Having LASIK Surgery?

Astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness are all refraction errors that require people to wear prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses. However, some people grow tired of wearing glasses or contacts over time and opt to have outpatient LASIK surgery. LASIK corrects the refraction error well enough for most people that they no longer need to wear contacts or glasses.

What Happens During LASIK Surgery?

When you have LASIK surgery, your eye surgeon reshapes the cornea of each eye with a laser. Most eye surgeons can complete the outpatient procedure in less than 30 minutes. Below is what you can expect if you opt for the LASIK procedure.

  • Your eye surgeon places numbing drops in your eyes to ensure that you remain comfortable.
  • The surgeon working on your eyes places an eyelid speculum and suction ring on each eye. This is not painful. The speculum and suction ring keep your eyes in a steady position and prevent you from blinking.
  • The surgeon creates a thin flap in each of your corneas.
  • You look at light aimed at your eyes while the eye surgeon reshapes your corneas with a laser.
  • Your eye doctor puts the corneal flaps back in place. The cornea should reattach immediately.

Although we do not perform LASIK surgery at Dr. Jan Eye Care, we do offer LASIK co-management services in Elkridge MD to ensure that you receive the best care before and after the procedure.

What Are LASIK Co-Management Services?

Prior to your surgery, Dr. Jan will conduct a thorough eye exam, ask questions about your medical history, and perform any diagnostic tests you need before your LASIK surgery. Eye surgeons who perform this surgery have completed extensive training to become ophthalmologists.

Your care transfers back to Dr. Jan after the completion of your surgery. Your optometrist and ophthalmologist work together to keep you safe, comfortable, and to make sure that healing takes place as expected.

Interested in Learning More About LASIK?

Whether you are considering this procedure or want to know more about LASIK co-management services in Elkridge MD, we encourage you to reach out to request an exam at Dr. Jan Eye Care. We look forward to teaming up with a local ophthalmologist to help you see the world more clearly.

Am I a Candidate For LASIK In Elkridge and Columbia?

LASIK is one of the most advanced forms of vision correction treatment available today. The treatment involves a surgical procedure that helps to resolve refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. At this point, it’s been successfully performed millions of times worldwide. However, not everyone is a suitable candidate for LASIK. You and youreye doctor in Elkridge and Columbia, MD, can determine if this is a good solution for your circumstances. In the meantime, read on to learn about who makes a good candidate for LASIK.

Stable Vision

One of the first considerations for LASIK candidacy is having stable vision. This means that your prescription has remained relatively unchanged for at least one year before considering surgery. One reason for this criterion is that fluctuating vision may indicate underlying issues that could affect the success of LASIK or require additional procedures in the future.

Healthy Eyes

Good eye health is essential for LASIK candidacy. Candidates should be free from eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and severe dry eye syndrome. The cornea should also be thick enough to undergo the procedure safely. Your eye doctor will perform a comprehensive eye examination before deciding whether you’re a suitable candidate for LASIK.


Candidates should be at least 18 to ensure their vision has stabilized. People over 40 should be aware that presbyopia, a natural age-related condition that affects near vision, may still occur after LASIK. Your eye doctor will discuss your age-related vision changes and their potential impact on your candidacy for LASIK.


Optimal candidates for LASIK have generally healthy lifestyles without heavy smoking, drinking, or drug use. Ideally, the candidate should exercise at least moderately regularly. Finally, persons who engage in highly risky behavior, where there is a heightened risk of eye injury, may not be the best candidates for LASIK.

The Importance of Realistic Expectations

LASIK is not a miracle procedure. Sometimes people find that they still need a mild prescription for vision correction after the procedure. Candidates should also understand the potential risks and benefits of LASIK surgery and have reasonable expectations regarding the outcome.

If you want to considerLASIK in Elkridge and Columbia, MD, contact your eye doctor for a consultation. We look forward to seeing you soon!

What to Expect During LASIK Recovery

When you opt for LASIK surgery in Elkridge, MD, your vision has the potential to become crystal clear. However, a lot of people are hesitant about LASIK due to the brief recovery after the procedure. With LASIK, the recovery is a straightforward process without a lot of major side effects. However, there are a few things to know as you make the decision. Take a look at what to expect during the LASIK recovery below.

Immediate Post-Operative Period

Following LASIK surgery, patients may experience a range of sensations, including mild discomfort, tearing, and a gritty feeling as if there is something in the eyes. It’s normal for your vision to be hazy initially, so don’t let the temporary change in visual acuity cause concerns. The eyes might also be sensitive to light, so wear protective eyewear on the way home. Additionally, it is a good idea to rest immediately after the procedure.

First Week After LASIK

During the first week, patients typically notice a significant improvement in their vision. However, it is still common for mild fluctuations to occur during the first week of recovery. Some patients may also experience dry eyes and may be prescribed lubricating eye drops to alleviate discomfort. Following post-operative care instructions diligently during the first week is crucial to ensure optimal healing, so be sure to pay close attention to the guidelines offered after the procedure.

Long-Term Recovery and Final Results

As weeks progress post-LASIK surgery, the majority of patients witness stabilized and enhanced vision. Any residual side effects of the surgical procedure, such as dry eyes or itchiness, tend to diminish over time. However, most patients experience hardly any symptoms at all after the first few weeks. Routine follow-up appointments with the eye doctor will be important to monitor your progress and address any lingering concerns you may have after the procedure.

Discuss LASIK with an Experienced Elkridge Eye Doctor

The recovery after LASIK surgery is generally easy to navigate with few complications, but the results can be life-changing when you work with the best eye doctor in Elkridge, MD for LASIK co-management. Contact Dr. Jan Eye Care to schedule an appointment to discuss LASIK in-depth before deciding if the procedure is right for you.

Am I the Right Candidate for Lasik?

Lasik is a great option for anyone who wants to avoid paying for expensive glasses or contact lenses, but unfortunately, not everyone is a good candidate for the surgery. If you’re looking for Lasik in Elkridge or Columbia, we’ll tell you more about your eligibility.

Prescription Status

Your body is constantly changing on any given day, and your eyes are not immune to these adjustments. Because Lasik is a surgery designed to correct your sight, you can imagine why a doctor would reject a candidate if their numbers were constantly on the hop. If you’re under 18 or you’re used to your prescription changing, then you likely won’t be approved to move forward.

Even if you are approved for the procedure, it’s important to talk to your doctor about what will happen in the future should your eyesight change. We tend to think of eyesight getting worse over the years, but this is not always the case. Lifestyle adjustments can actually make your eyesight better over the years, and you’ll need to be prepared for either contingency.

Health and Lifestyle

Lasik surgery is a fairly simple surgery, but it still carries risks. In fact, some people will drop out of the surgery on their own due to potential complications. If you have an autoimmune disorder, such as lupus, diabetes, or you’re taking certain steroids or other medications, an eye doctor in Columbia may not want to take the chance.

In addition to your general health, there are certain lifestyle choices that may preclude you from the surgery, including high-contact sports. The surgeon will need to cut the flap of the cornea to reshape the eye, and it will take a while for this component to fully heal. Activities like boxing or martial arts can impact the healing process, which is why you may want to skip this one if you’re known for your performance in the ring.

Eye Surgeons in Columbia, MD

If you’re interested in what Lasik will mean for your eyesight, the right doctor can evaluate your vision, ask a few questions, and then sketch out a treatment plan for you. At Dr. Jan Eye Care, we offer Lasik co-management, meaning we work closely with trusted specialists. If you’re interested in whether you’re a good candidate, contact us today for more information.