Treatment Options for Dry Eye

Dry eye is a common condition that affects millions of people around the globe. It’s a condition that causes itching, redness, and an uncomfortable sensation, as though there’s a small particle in your eye that you can’t remove. Dry eye happens when there aren’t enough tears to keep the delicate tissues of your eye lubricated. This may be due to allergies, dehydration, side effects of medications, or more. Fortunately, your optometrist in Elkridge, MD, has simple solutions for treating dry eye.

Dry Eye Treatment

Once your optometrist has concluded your discomfort stems from dry eyes, they may make one of several recommendations, including:

  • Lubricating eye drops that can be purchased over the counter
  • Medicated eye drops that require a prescription
  • Punctal plugs in your tear ducts that prevent tears from draining away too quickly
  • Eyelid surgery to tighten the skin beneath your eyes
  • Medication changes

Your eye doctor may also recommend simple lifestyle changes that could improve your condition and alleviate your dry eyes. For instance, they may recommend that you cease smoking, drink more water, get more hours of sleep each night, adjust your home’s air conditioning, or begin using a humidifier at home. The amount of time you spend in front of a computer screen each day may also contribute to dry eyes.

When Dry Eye Is Caused by Ectropion

It’s rare that a patient will require surgery to treat dry eye. Usually, this is only necessary if the skin of your lower eyelid has begun to droop and turn outward. In this instance, your tears may drain away too quickly. The most common reason for this condition, called ectropion, is normal aging. Eyedrops and ointments may help, but this is usually when your eye doctor may recommend simple surgery to tighten the skin beneath the eye.

Dr. Jan Eye Care Treats Dry Eye in Elkridge, MD

If you’re struggling with eyes that are itchy, burning, red, and irritated, dry eye may be the cause. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Jan Eye Care for improvement of your symptoms. Our experienced team knows how to treat dry eye in Elkridge, MD, and we’re ready to schedule a convenient time for you to come in for a routine eye exam.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Dry Eye?

Are your eyes bothering you? If so, it might be time to see your optometrist in Elkridge, MD, for a diagnosis. You might have dry eye, or it might be something else. But whatever it is, you should take care of it immediately before it worsens.

What Causes Dry Eye?

Dry eye occurs when the tear film of your eyes isn’t working properly. Your eyes have three layers of tears that are designed to cover and protect your eyes. But when your tear film is disrupted, dry eye symptoms will ensue.

Any number of factors could prevent your eye’s tear film from malfunctioning. Some of the causes of dry eye include aging, hormonal disorders, certain medications, nerve damage, vitamin A deficiency, allergies, or an autoimmune disorder.

Identifying dry eye is the first step in knowing when to get treatment for dry eye in Elkridge, MD.

The Signs and Symptoms of Dry Eye

  • Scratchy, stinging, burning eyes
  • Light sensitivity
  • Red eyes
  • Stringy mucus in or around the eyes
  • Blurry eyes

Is It Possible to Prevent Dry Eyes?

Dry eye can sometimes be prevented by making a few lifestyle changes. For example, your optometrist in Elkridge, MD, might recommend you stop smoking or avoid second-hand smoke. They might also recommend you take allergy medication or change your current medications to ones that don’t result in dry eye.

You might be able to reduce your dry eye by staying hydrated, using an optometrist-recommended eye drop product, or increasing your daily amount of vitamin A. You might also find it helpful to switch to wearing eyeglasses instead of contacts, and you should always wear sunglasses while you’re outside.

Additionally, you might try using a humidifier indoors, spending less time on your digital devices, or working in front of a computer screen — taking frequent breaks away from your screen.

Try these dry eye prevention tips, and always talk with your optometrist about what would be best in your situation.

Do You Need an Optometrist in Elkridge, MD?

If you need an optometrist in Elkridge, MD, please Contact Dr. Jan Eye Care today! We have a comfortable, relaxing office and a kind, caring team with the training and experience to care for all your optometry needs.