Entries by Dr. Jan Eye Care

Does Costco Offer a VSP?

Costco is one of the more affordable places to get your family’s routine vision exams and tests, which is why it’s a common option for people who are already shopping there anyway. If you’re wondering how Vision Services Plans work in these popular big box stores, we’ll look at what to know. VSPs and Costco […]

Macular Degeneration Explained

Has your eye doctor in Elkridge, MD, told you that you have macular degeneration? If so, you probably want to know everything about it so you know what to expect. What Is Macular Degeneration? Macular degeneration is usually referred to as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), but they are both the same thing. AMD is an eye […]

Is Glaucoma Painful?

Glaucoma is a condition that primarily affects adults over 40, even though it can technically occur at any age. If you’re wondering if the condition is painful, we’ll look at the different types of glaucoma and how its symptoms present. Glaucoma and Pain Glaucoma in Elkridge can be painful, but depending on the type of glaucoma […]

Protecting Dry Eyes During the Winter Months

Winter can be especially tough on your eyes, particularly if you suffer from dry eye syndrome in Elkridge, MD. Cold temperatures, wind and even indoor heating can all contribute to making your already dry eyes feel more dry, irritated and uncomfortable than ever. Here are some things to keep in mind for protecting dry eyes during […]

What Type of Dry Eye Do You Have?

Are you having issues with your eyes? If so, you might have dry eye. Your optometrist in Elkridge, MD, can perform a quick exam and make a diagnosis. Wouldn’t it be great to get your eyes back on track? What Type of Dry Eye Do You Have? There are three types of dry eye. Let’s […]

Dangers of Untreated Dry Eye

Dry eye is a condition where, for one reason or another, the eyes don’t receive adequate moisture. When the eyes are open, they’re exposed to the air, which has a drying effect. It’s actually quite common, and millions of people around the world have dry eye syndrome. But while this may seem like a minor […]

4 Surprising Culprits of Dry Eyes

If you suffer from dry eyes in Elkridge, MD, you’re not alone. Millions of people worldwide suffer from this condition for various reasons. It may surprise you to know that dry eyes isn’t caused by just one reason. In fact, there can be different culprits, many of which might be unnoticed until pointed out. Here are […]

Having LASIK Surgery?

Astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness are all refraction errors that require people to wear prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses. However, some people grow tired of wearing glasses or contacts over time and opt to have outpatient LASIK surgery. LASIK corrects the refraction error well enough for most people that they no longer need to wear contacts […]

Can I Replace Lenses and Not Eyeglass Frames?

Buying eyeglasses in Elkridge, MD, is a big investment in your eye health. Once you get your prescription, the office staff work hard to make sure that your lenses work as they should, improving your eyesight as much as possible. Over time, your eyeglasses prescription may not be as perfect. Since eyes age like other […]

How Much Oxygen Does Your Eye Need?

The vast majority of your body gets oxygen from your blood vessels, but the eye is one of the major exceptions. The cornea relies on tears and air to get the nutrients it needs to function. If you’re wondering how much oxygen the eye needs, especially if you’re a chronic contact-wearer, we’ll look at what […]